...... of my evening.
Today was boiling hot. I think it hit 39 degrees, and the humidity was awful too. We homeschooled. Cleaned. Washed nappies. Had friends for lunch. Went to dance class.
And then, the weather cooled (slightly), and my dear hubby came home. And he tried out the new ride-on.
Thank-you so much Petrina and Brad for the loan of yours while we financed our own. And thank-you Dad Fern for helping us with the finance part. :) We appreciate you!!

As you can see, it worked, really really really well. Stuart loves it. And so does Will, yay! Can you just spot him sitting up there with his Papa?
After photographing the mower-men and watering our poor wilted vegetable garden, and chasing the chickens away from aforementioned garden with a broom, I spotted Elijah like this.

Reading his bible in his pyjamas in the sunset. Wow. His sister soon followed suit. Honestly, I could cry when they choose to spend their free time sitting and reading their bibles. I have to say it's happening more and more lately.
I chose to follow their excellent example, and after serving out our dinner I sat here:

And when it was getting dark and the boys came in, we all went inside to eat our dinner.
I made a big pot of vegetable pasta soup yesterday, and I'm glad. It has stretched us quite a few meals! Lunches and dinners. :) So good with ground pepper and freshly grated parmesan cheese on the top. Much to Elijah's disappointment, there's still a bit left. It's not his favourite. I'm thinking I'll give it to Stu for lunch tomorrow, and cook something fresh for tea tomorrow night. We also have baking on the agenda for tomorrow. And cleaning out the kids bedroom, top to bottom. I also need to grocery shop, and we may visit some friends in the afternoon too.
Well, I'm off to do the dishes and have a cuppa and a read.
What are your plans for tomorrow?
What a lovely day...sorry it is sooo hot! *sends some of our fresh 6inches of snow to Saminda* ;) I love the pic of your ds with his Bible...so sweet! Your bench looks lovely too...I love lawn mowing listening to my IPOD praise & worship music! :) I'm going to put the Bible on it also for this summer! How long does it take to mow yours? I think ours is like 4hrs...I do 3/4 and dh does the tricky parts! ;) I'm planning on mopping tomorrow and popping a ham in the crockpot for dinner. Also want to finish folding/putting away the laundry I'm doing today (Tues)! :) I would love to work on some mending and sewing...will have to get off the computer first! :P HEEHEE!
Blessings, Saminda! Love these 'newsy' homemaking posts! :)
The temperature hit 40 yesterday here and our humidity was stifling so I know what you are experiencing. We are loving our pool! Hoping for a cooler day today. I hope to put up another post, do our homeschool work, bake and tackle the mountain of ironing I have neglected - it is just too hot inside to iron - it was 30 degree inside yesterday and still no air conditioning. I also want to watch some olympic action as the figure skating is televised today - the only time my children get to see the sport they participate in on television. And of course just enjoy Tuvia who has just fitted into our family life with such ease. He is doing fantastic, he loves to smile and is he is my other wonderful excuse for not ironing!
I love your reading spot!
So glad you got a ride - on mower. It would be impossible to keep anything under control when you have property.
I also love it when the kids read from their bible. Zai has decided he's going to read a chapter a day - he's doing well so far.
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