Breakfast over, little ones gone off to play, and only the sun shining warmly through the dining room window remained. The sun and a few stray dishes.

A picture of peace in my morning.
Thanks to those who have already commented on this post. Please, if you ever drop in and read my blog, if you are a long-term follower or a brand new reader, I want to hear from you! It's a chance for me to discover who is out there, and for you to let me know what you enjoy reading here or have always wanted to know! :)
Getting that moment of peace each day is so important yet so easy to take for granted - that is, until little ones arrive. Then those moments are treasured. I'm glad you have a nice sunny spot for those moments:)
i'm still here Min :) xoxo
Does look oldest 3 start the next school year tomorrow...I'd love to sit in that peace and drink a cup of tea.... :-)
It looks lovely and cozy and peaceful. Enjoy!
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