Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saraya's bedtime prayer

Usually at bedtime it is me who speaks the words of prayer with the children.  Tonight Saraya wanted to pray.   My heart was overjoyed at her words so I thought I'd record them.

"Dear God,  Thankyou for my cuddly toys and for my cuddly bed.  Thankyou for our day.  Thankyou that I have toys, and a home, and parents.  Our sponsor children don't even have a home, and some children don't have food or shoes or anything.  Amen."

This prompted a discussion on poverty, missionaries, and a possible trip to Uganda to do some work there and meet our sponsor children one day.  I love the bedtime hour with Saraya- it is so often our special, "connected" time of day.  Oh, and a Uganda-trip-planning-conversation with Stuart in the kitchen as we did the dinner clean-up followed.  Thankyou Saraya!  

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