Today is a public holiday. I love how it splits our first week back at school nicely in half!
Today we celebrate our nation. Australia is a wonderful place to live. It is a safe country, a very relaxed one at that. :) We are surrounded by beauty and a great climate for camping and swimming and beaching and outdoor activities in general. Though a little hot in summer!
Today we are home; Stuart is taking care of the land - 6 hours of mowing :( - and I am working with the kids indoors, sorting toys and cleaning.
But. In exactly one hour we are stopping everything, and sitting on our verandah to enjoy "Happy Hour" - a very Aussie time of day - with cold drinks and some nibblies. I can't wait. :D
Happy Australia Day to all my Aussie friends! And to my overseas readers - come visit our beautiful, laid back land someday will you? We'd love to see you!
I'd love to come! Maybe when I'm old and gray and the kids are grown we'll be able to afford it. :-)
Awesome weather today Min :D fair dinkum gorgeous mate ;) Hope your happy hour was a sweet end to all ya hard yakka! JM :)
And in seriousness, our land down under is a blessed, peaceful and free place to live. Great post for reminding us of that!
Cheers Big Ears! (You've heard that one right or is it just common to my fam?!)
I'd love to see you too! Someday I will, I promise. It's on my list of things to do...visit Renata and Saminda :) Enjoy your day!
Also, I'm still keeping my eye out for Boxcar Children books for Saraya. Does she still like them? I found some at the consignment store last night, but they weren't by the original author, which I know you aren't as interested in.
Oh my goodness I'd LOVE to go to Autralia! What an adventure that would be:)
Happy hour~sounds great to me! Wish things were as laid back here...people here just go go go.
Someday I will definitely take you up on the invitation tom come visit your laid back relaxed country.
I'd love to come too! I like the sound of Australia Day. We don't really have one of those here, just the Fourth of July, which never really appealed to me. (The idea of celebrating the beginning on a war... eek.)
I hope you have a lovely day!!!
I love your Happy Hour idea Min! Very civilized!! I'm getting the impression that it's not just an Australia Day event either - something I should make note of to do more regularly ;-)
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