
She is delighted with school! She adores her teacher, and has already made a couple of friends. She got to do craft and other fun activities ("we are having a whole week of that Mama!"), ate all her lunch, got to read her own book from home during their afternoon "rest time" (big floor cushions and everything, hooray!), then finished her book after a celebratory afternoon tea once we got home. Fruit cake, watermelon and strawberries. We chatted in bed tonight about why boys are often silly about girls. I imagine this won't be the last time we talk about this! Anyway, she's gone to sleep one happy girl. :)
Elijah surprised me this morning by being up at 6:15am, and standing by the door, fully clothed, all chores done, backpack on his back, by 6:45am! It was a long wait for him until it was time to go. :) He enjoyed his first day, popping his bag in his locker, sitting on the carpet with Mr Fern and all the kids and getting stuck into some play. He says he didn't talk to any other children, so I'm praying he will make some friends soon. He's such a quiet little boy, but I think school will ease him out of his shell a little more. His favourite time of the day today was Music Class. :)
Today was the first day ever that William and I have spent alone together. He enjoyed playing at Prep this morning, but was happy enough to head off with me into town. We went to his swimming lesson, dropped some forms off at his kindy (and had a little visit!), delivered some mail, picked up a second pair of school shorts for Saraya, had sandwiches at a cafe in town, did the grocery shopping and came home. We barely had time to unpack and hang some washing before heading out to pick the kids up!! Tomorrow will be quieter. :) He is delightful company and I know we will treasure this time together.
Thanks so much to you all for your encouragement and support during this time of change. It's been challenging, that's for sure. None of our children have ever been to child care, day care, kindergarten, preschool, or Prep before. Saraya did a year of grade 1 and a term of grade 2, but that is all we've encountered before in the way of out of home care.
One of the big upsides for me is that Thursdays and Fridays (Will's kindy days) will be my first real break from full time mothering in 8 and a half years.
I must admit, I'm excited!
And I'm so exited for you! It will go well.
I'm so so so glad it went well Min! And that you and Will had a good day just the two of you. I'm sure that having no kids through the day will be a strange new world, but imagine all the stuff you'll get done! Hope today goes well too! xx
Hi Saminda
I'm so pleased to hear it's all going well! Glad both Saraya & Elijah enjoyed their school days & I hope they just learn to love it! Have a wonderful time with Will - what a little cutie he is!
We are still on holidays - until 7th of Feb (our work isn't out til then which is good as we are going away camping next week). Have a great Australia day tomorrow - I'm going to catch up on all your posts that I missed while my silly computer was down!
Have a lovely day
They look so cute and happy in their uniforms!
So good to hear they had a great start to the school year. They all look terribly handsome.
Have a good week.
Your kids are so cute in there uniforms! Praying as you adjust to everything! Glad that things went well for their first day! :)
Love the photo documentation of their first day. So glad Saraya is off to a wonderful start. I am sure Elijah will make friends in short order too. I bet you and William will learn to cherish your 1 on 1 time.
Enjoy and relish in your respite from mothering!! Time to nurture your spirit 'Min! Hugs, love, and prayers to and for you all.
P.S. Love that William is rocking his MT Mud shirt. He is ADORABLE.
Hoorah for an awesome and settled first day! Love the photo's and they both look so sweet. Hope the remainder of the week is just as lovely and works out beautifully. JM xo
Sooo cute, all of them! And so Australian (and so so wise!) to have them in hats!
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