Thursday, April 10, 2008

Simple comforts

Dinner. Arriving from my dear friend Cathy. I nearly cried. And vegetable soup is just what the doctor ordered.

Saraya seems more interested in this little hamper.

Ah yes, sweets to brighten our day. And Saraya learns another lesson in the delights of service and sharing and community. Thankyou Cathy!

The sound of someone chopping wood leads me outside........ ah, what a glorious sight to behold.

A pile of kindling...... another simple pleasure.

The girls enjoy the last of the afternoon light. And I enjoy watching them.

My boys looking smug by the fireplace.

Yes, OUR fireplace! One of the greatest simple comforts of all. God is good.

1 comment:

Cackers said...

I am glad you are feeling better, I was worried about you. I have enjoyed reading your may have inspired me.


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