I thought I was due to write a What Have We Been Up To? type post!
Well, this week... aside from making an audition video, maintaining the house and meals etc., homeschooling and supporting a busy husband in his last week of school, I've..........

....been giving thanks for my children. A lot.
They bring me so much joy!

I was especially thankful yesterday as William had a fall off a chair, face-first onto our hard tiled floor.... there was blood everywhere, but no loose teeth or broken nose, praise God!

We played at the park. Saraya, as always, delighted in pushing her brothers on the swings before having a swing herself. She is an amazing girl; full-on at times, loads of energy - but when it's channeled well, she's a delight and such a help to me!

We had heaps of fun picnicking and playing at Wook-koo this week. Love the statues there, and these beautiful wildflowers growing! We picked some to bring home.

You know sometimes you see something you don't exactly need, but just really really want to buy?! Well that happened yesterday when I found this gorgeous little t-shirt with vest and top hat set for Elijah. He fell in love with it, and so did I! It was inexpensive so I decided to purchase it knowing he will get so much use out of it. :) I got a size 5 so it will last a couple of years. He is so happy with it! Lots of performing today. :)

Saraya has been doing loads of drawing, card making, and general crafting. Her favourite things to do!

And Elijah has been practicing his writing (he is loving getting better at writing his name, and learning new letters!) and.........
.......... drawing really cute little pictures! This one is of himself and Saraya.

Today, we baked our Christmas Cake. This is one of my most favourite things to do at Christmas time.

The aroma that fills the whole house as the cake slowly cooks for 3 hours is divine! It brings back childhood memories as I like to bake the same recipe my Mum made when I was little. Looking forward to cutting it on Christmas Eve!

We've all been enjoying the Christmas decorations about our home. These little statues are my favourites - I know, totally not our season, but still! I love them. :)

Our Christmas tree all lit up, night and day. :) And decorated fairly top-heavy this year, for the sake of a very interested toddler.
So that's what we've been up to.
Just life.
Hi Saminda!
It looks like you are really enjoying settling into your new home. Tiled floors - yes, my girls have had a few topples onto the tiles. They are easy to clean but keeping them clean is another matter and we lose so many plates and glasses!
I'm doing just fine and still waiting for this active baby to arrive. Before Christmas? I will email you with the news and if I have time I will let you know when I go into labour, it would be lovely to have some people praying for me when this happens.
Sounds like lots of fun.
Love Elijah's outfit and his drawing of himself and Saraya is very sweet.
You look all very organised for Christmas now.
Love that picture of Elijah with his vest & hat! And the tree looks just like ours looked last year and will look again this year.
So you made a cake and you can't eat it for 21 more days? Torture! :) And your tree is beautiful! I totally understand about it being top heavy. Ours is a little too. I was lucky enough to find some really pretty non-breakable balls so I do have a few down there where we can practice the art of "look but don't touch" and still be safe. BTW, I LOVED your audition tape! Amazing!
You have been busy. Elijah's outfit is so cute! So glad Will's accident wasn't any worse - it's always so scary when they have a fall. Elijah's drawing is really good - lovely picture!
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