* This morning we signed the contract on our new home. The agent was just so lovely with us and with the children, and suggested we follow her out to 'our' property for a second look (yesterday was a little brief though we all loved it!) and to meet the current owners. SO nice!!!! It still feels surreal though a little more real than it did yesterday!
Another glimpse for you.....

* We spent about an hour out there, talking with the couple who have built up this beautiful place - they talked about the wildlife and the gardens and showed us how to use the bore, and even gave the children some bread to go down and feed the little fish at the dam!
* We all collapsed into a good rest time after lunch. I'm rarely able to nap during the day, but today I did! I think I must be totally exhausted after so much physical and emotional stuff this week..... Good stuff though, very good stuff!
* This afternoon we all enjoyed ourselves at our little friend Blake's 5th birthday party. Which, as you can probably guess by these photos, was a Pirate Party. :) Happy Birthday Blake!!

Saraya just adores this sweet girl- they met during "Wizard of Oz" and have a really sweet friendship. Here Saraya is sharing her scarf, keeping her older friend warm during Pass the Parcel. :) It got really cold at the park. So cute!

Our family in our pirate garb!
* Homeschool for the next few weeks will consist of reading, writing, our usual outings and adventures in town, maybe a little work on our science poster......... and a very interesting subject called moving house. Tomorrow packing starts! And a little family child labour begins. ;) My kids are able, so I'll be working them too! 27 days and counting................
* Tonight I am feeling so undeservingly blessed!!!
I love the house with the big porch! The pirate pics are fun.
What a great place!
I'm so happy for you! These pictures are beautiful. My prayers and love goes with you to your new home!
All the best and blessings!
I think this is the nicest looking group of pirates I have ever seen. You all did a great job on the costumes. So neat that mom and dad joined in on the fun. Congrats on the new house!! May God richly bless your move and your family's home.
Oh get away with you girl!! Like I said, if it can't be me, it might as well be you!!!
Looks wonderful!
Moving house will provide many valuable lessons for the children and lots of fun.
And I love all of your pirate garb.
Saminda - congratulations!! This is so exciting. You are going to LOVE having that space around you & what a gorgous house it looks to be!! Looking forward to seeing your new home set up (although I do know how long that takes). Moving house is very educational & Saraya will be a big helper.
Oh I like your pirate costumes as well !!
Ok so I'm reading your blog entries in a backwards fashion, cause that's how backwards I am at present :-) Love the photo of the new house!!! Gorgeous place by the looks of it and nice big tanks.
oh and I forgot the ggrrr-reat family portrait of the rabbid sea dogs ;-)
you guys all look adorable!!!!
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