...... of our spring holidays has been beautiful. :)
We woke up this morning with a strong desire to go back and have a second look at a house we went through a few weeks ago. So after a quiet morning in, and the grocery shopping achieved, we drove out to visit it again. Yes, we still love it. Yes, we are thinking about making an offer on it. No, I don't know if it is financially viable- we will be looking into that this week. Yes, we are all feeling a touch excited and the children are wondering if this could be God's plan for our family - and hoping it is!! All we know so far is that it is in His hands, and I trust that.
One of the things we love most about this home is that it is out of town just enough to be leafy and peaceful and quiet, there is plenty of room to move and grow and play - but still only a short drive into town. The best of both worlds.
It is also just a few minutes away from one of our favourite places to visit, a wildlife reserve and parkland. We decided to have a picnic afternoon tea there today after the house inspection. I went a little nuts with the camera. It is truly a beautiful place, very good for photographs! Couldn't imagine living so close to this - what a blessing that would be.

The council has done a lovely job turning this park into something special. The gardens are filled with lots of statues of Australian animals made by local artists.

And across the bridge you enter another world...........

"Up you go Elijah, I'll help!!"......

He did it!!!

I'm loving having my man all to myself this week, yay! He's so wonderful. :)

Hello! What a neat park! I will pray for the house decision/opportunity...sounds lovely! Don't worry about going picture crazy! :P I LOVE PICS and regularly go crazy...just took 169 at a birthday party on Saturday...teehee...sure, no problem about the super hero capes...I was actually planning on working on them this week (hopefully tonight) and will continue to take pics...will try to put up a post about them...they are super simple so I'm sure even if I just put up what I have so far people would be able to follow!
That park looks really cool! My kids would love something like that.
I'll be praying about your house decision. How exciting! I have to admit that I just love your current house though :)
Looks like a lot of fun! Seeing the statue of the cattle reminds me of one of my favorite books about your country..."Western Trek" by Zane Grey...of course, I haven't really read very many to compare it with much else....
Oh stop having so much fun together you Ferns! Love you really....
Looks like a fun place! My children would love to play there! (maybe one day) - my sister lived in Harvey Bay for a while & we used to visit Maryborough often, but that was a few years ago now!
Any photos of the prospective home-to-be? I think Saraya should take the camera more, her model is a very photogenic one ;-) Exciting times ahead (should be alot of room on acerage for a dog too no doubt ;-)...
Ahhhh, the photo of William roddling away on the path is too precious. So glad that Saraya likes to take photos, so we can actually see you too. Looks like a lovely day. A blessed family time for sure.
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