Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Beat a Blue Day

I woke up this morning feeling blue. It happens to us all. Mid-cycle day. Little struggles here and there. Feeling a bit like I'm in a prison........

BUT!!! Determined not to let it get to me I applied some little tools to get me through the day and thought I'd share.

* Need to stay home all day because your hubby took the car to work (because he has a broken toe and a broken scooter....)??? Well, make home somewhere you want to be!! Open all the windows, make the beds, tidy the floors, put on a favourite cd, make a coffee, send the kids outside....... you get the picture.

* Need to homeschool the children? Remember, creative free playtimes are very very educational and important for young children too!! Put out some resources that have been hiding for awhile, toys, puzzles, paper, pens and craft materials, provide verbal encouragement and extension as needed and voila!! Happy kids and happy Mama. Read some books with them after lunch, put them down for quiet time, then allow each of them some time on (love that site!!) and afternoon ABC Kids (a rare treat here) and the day is almost done! Some more outdoor play, perhaps a late walk, baths and tea and bedtime is right around the corner.....

* Feeling isolated and alone? It's okay!!! The internet brings the world into your home! During those quiet moments when everyone's happy, sit down at the computer and escape for awhile. Ahhhhh........ Then phone a friend. Or two or three. Wave to a neighbour. Look at the sky.

* Need to make a meal plan because you're shopping tonight? Don't bother. Write down those essentials you don't want to forget, then wing it. I'm going to.......

* Need to cook dinner and don't have the necessary ingredients for the meal you'd hoped to make? Again, wing it!! (of course, winging it with the shopping can lead to this problem.... ;)). This is not the time for stewing over things unnecessarily. I don't have the chicken OR the zucchini I need for the linguine pasta I'm making tonight- so we'll go without them. I'll add some broccoli instead, some extra garlic and Parmesan for taste. It will do!!!

* Feel like every day is the same as the one before? Think about, dream about, visualise the exciting things coming up on your calender!! Plan, scheme and dream. Don't having anything fun on the calender?? Then change that!! Spice up your life - as a Mummy at home that is SO important! Plan some fun into your schedule.

* Feel overwhelmed and lost????? PRAY. PRAY. Then pray some more. Can't emphasise this enough!!! Prayer has totally changed and made my day today. Praise the God who is bigger than our circumstances, who loves and adores us especially when we're down, who knows us intimately, and who truly does care about the little things we care about. :) Praise Him.

Next time you're having a Blue Day, give these a go and I hope they help you see the sunshine as they did for me. :)


Tereza said...

what an awesome post..I love it and will remember it the next time I feel blue!

Smilie girl said...

I think attitude and prayer are the biggies for dealing with the things that throw us for a six and the things that wear us down. And your list sure covers those things. It's an excellent list I think.
Here's to a brighter tomorrow.

Kerry T said...

Saminda, You truly are an inspiration! I loved that post...

Renata said...

Love this post!
thanks for answering my questions. I think you´re doing a great job with the homeschooling. It is amazing how much children pick up by having the materials available. (Sometimes I think our curriculum is just too strict!)

This Texas Momma said...

Wonderful! I am tucking these away in the dark corners of my mind. Thanks for recognizing the small blessings to cheer you up and passing them on!

~Amanda said...

Great list Saminda! May I be so bold as to add a couple of my favourite blue-busters?

1. Put on some scripture/praise/worship music. Nothing like remembering the Lord!

2. Do something for someone else. Make a card for a sick friend, call someone who's having a hard time...and don't mention your own struggles, just listen! I find focussing on others helps me become less self-centered on my blue days!

3. Sit and listen to a child laugh! If I don't focus on the mess/work my children make, their laughter is "good medicine"!

Many blessings!

Karen said...

I too love your post! Thanks for the inspiration!

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

When the clouds roll over and the sky darkens (but it does not rain and we need rain for our tanks!) I often notice that my mood changes. I'm not so upbeat and I start to dwell on problems. So as soon as the sun reappears I have to get out of the house and into the garden... yes, I know I am blessed to have a forest to walk in but you can take it for granted and when you notice the lantana that is growing back you groan! I HAVE TO LOOK UPWARDS to see the tops of the trees and say thank you to God for blessing me with so much - this beautiful forest setting, my lovely home, my loving family, bread on the table and so much more! I loved your suggestions Saminda... the only other one I would add is to make something or do one small creative act... arrange some flowers, rearrange a photo display on a shelf or table or make bread... this is what I have just written about in my latest post and I need to go now and knead my dough.. I always feel better after kneading!

Mum-me said...

This is a great list. I am glad I popped over here today.

Unknown said...

This is so awesome! Thank you, Saminda! :)


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