Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Homeschooling Goals for Spring Term

* Begin working from our new Primary Science Book - focusing on Living on Non-Living things, Sorting living things, Pets, Australian Animals, Insects (I know a little blond-haired girl who will LOVE this part!), Birds, Fish, Magnets, Light and Shadows. Lots of hands-on exploration here as well as the book work.

* Continue working from our About Our Bodies Science Book - this focuses on the Skeleton, Muscles, Cells, Organs etc. etc. We will also make a poster on what we learn.

* Bible Reading, as per normal.

* Nature Notebooks, as per normal.

* Weekly Nature Walk.

* Twice-weekly sessions on Starfall - oh the wonders of Starfall! My kids love it and are still exploring all that there is to learn here! Literacy, Maths, Music, Art.......

* Weekly Mathletics session with Stuart, plus other Daily Life maths (eg. handling money, simple addition and subtraction, measurement in cooking, etc.).

* Work on letter recognition with Elijah. I think there's about 10 letters he's still a bit unsure of. Continue early phonics with him.

* Continue reading daily with Saraya. She's settled on a reading level of about age 8 at the moment, so there's no pressure with this one - just need to continue to foster her love of reading with great literature! Finding simple but interesting stories for her to read independently will be another goal this term. Hooray for the local library.....

* Complete the Little House series of chapter books, which we've been reading together. We're half-way through the last one at the moment. I'm not sure what we'll start then! Stuart wants to read the Narnia series.... but I'm not sure the children are ready for that. We'll see.....

* We are going to explore the wonderful world of Astronauts this term too. I'm planning on covering the basics with the children, doing some fun hands-on activities, then helping them to make Lap books to write, draw, cut and paste, record and display what they learn.

* Further explore our new Learn to Draw books. Saraya particularly is loving these and is creating some really nice pictures.

* "Welcome Summer" sign and activities on December 1st.

* Begin regular Swimming lessons again.

* Continue with Dance lessons (for Saraya).

* Give Saraya plenty of opportunity to ride her bike and hopefully get her riding without her training wheels.

* We may get a dog. There will be lots of amazing hands-on learning going on if we do!

* Continue to involve the children in the family meal-planning and cooking / baking. I'd like to teach Saraya to put together a simple (no-cook :)) meal independently. She's already close to this one.

* Christmas planning, list-writing, shopping, baking and making!

* Christmas card making and writing. The children will be involved in this process.

They are my goals so far, though I'm sure to add more as we go along. :)

Homeschooling is a wonderful journey. I have to say I love having my children beside me night and day. I love to disciple them and am grateful for the chance to witness the joy in all the little things they learn each day - the planned and the unplanned. :) Looking forward to Term 4!!

What are your family goals for the spring?


Helen said...

Term 4, dear. Heh, heh - no you are NOT losing your mind, just a little bit behind everybody else.
Why, oh why do I love a good laugh at your expense? Love you!!!!

SF said...

Okay, what can I say? It was late last night when i was typing and I was tired!! Mistake has been corrected. :)

Renata said...

Sounds like you´ve got everything nicely organised. We start holidays next week (although I´m actually starting on friday as Dave´s sister & family are arriving then).

Sarah said...

Oh, the starfall site looks wonderful! I'm so happy to have another resource. I'll have to post it on my website under a different category. I think I'll have to move to a three column format pretty soon just for my links.


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