Do I sound excited? I am!!! Stuart has had so much on this last week of term we've hardly seen him ........... but now things can slow down for all of us. Two weeks together, yay!!!
Yesterday we had a day at home, which started with Stuart dressing for work - in his pirate suit. Of course. :) Remember this post? See, he really is a pirate!!! Okay, not really. Today is "Talk Like a Pirate Day" in Australia and yesterday he had some activities running with the Prep children, treasure hunts and things like that. So he wore his pirate costume. ;) Any excuse!

William also helped with the dusting.

Elijah spent some time playing Reader Rabbit on the computer.
And Saraya worked away on an art and writing project.

We went to playgroup in the afternoon, and the children wore their swimmers. Don't ask why, because I don't know. :) I think they just found them in the linen cupboard and got all excited about summer coming! Here they are doing their swimming pose. And yes, Elijah is wearing Saraya's old swim shorts.....

"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;
..... and praise your name
for your love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.
The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me;
your love, O Lord, endures for ever-
do not abandon the works of your hands." Psalm 138
What sweet children! The naked picture made me crack up:)
Looks like fun times ahead me hearty! Saraya reminds me of the old days at home, when Mum would call and I would be oblivious, engrossed as Saraya was, in a book. Ah reading, what great escapes....
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