The computer is fixed, and here are the missing photos of Elijah's birthday last Sunday........
The just-woken-up-and-dressed-and-'ohmygoodness it's my birthday' smile.
Present number 1!!! This serious of shots just says it all......

The froggy cake!! When Elijah requested this cake in our birthday cake book, I really did NOT think I could pull it off. But I was actually thrilled with how it turned out!
Stu helped me cut and decorate it once the 2 slabs were baked- I was very thankful.

We all actually fell in love with him, he had such a cute little face!

New bongos from Nanna and Grandpa, hooray!!!! I think he enjoyed his 4th birthday! :)
that is like the most adorable cake ever!~
i love the pic with daddy helping:)~so sweet!!
Hey you - so nice to catch up yesterday!!!! I simply cannot believe that we forgot to bring Elijah's birthday present - I feel that my head was not working at all! It didn't even click that we had forgotten it even when we saw him and all his other lovely presents! Oh well, just an excuse to catch up again soon. Thanks again for having us over - wish it was more often!!! That was not a reflection on your hospitality (because you're so good at it), I just meant I wish it happenede more often! That cleared that up didn't it! Hmmm - not sure my brain is working today either!!! Godd thing you know what I mean eh! Love ya xxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday little man! That's the most amazing cake ever! And he looks like he had a wonderful day.
I love the cake Min! Top Job Mrs Baker & Decorator-extraordinaire! I remember the joy (it was only last birthday wasn't it?) of picking a cake from the Woman's Weekly book for Mum to make! Was very exciting, and you remember those cakes with such joy! So Elijah will no doubt remember this with fondness too! Happy Birthday to your big little man!
I agree- that cake was a triumph, and even more so because you didn't have a pattern -it was a real credit to you and Stuart! And Elijah's expressions matched the frog's in sweetness!
That cake is amazing - you guys did such a great job on it!!
Those pictures of Elijah are just so cute - he certainly seemed to enjoy the gift!
Elijah is adorable, and so is his cake! It turned out so great - you should be very proud!
Happy Birthday Elijah!
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