Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I invite you....

I've been thrilled to have some new commenters lately. It's a joy to share life in this way!
If you are a new reader and would like to "follow" me, please click into my friends spot in my right side-bar and select "follow". It's a great way to see who's out there and for us all to find other like-minded friends. :)


Amanda in Victoria said...

I recently came by your blog via Rebecca's "Leading Little Hearts Home". Thank you for the wisdom you have put into your posts. I have read a few that have certainly spoken to me! I am also in Australia and I am beginning homeschooling next year with my oldest son (he will be 6 in Dec). I'm wondering what resources you use and if you have any recommendations? Much of what I have researched comes from overseas. Do you have / know of any good Australian homeschooling suppliers? I appreciate any information. Thanks and many blessings! Amanda

Jen said...

Adnil Press
Chariot Press
Homeschool Favourites

There are other smaller operators too, specific to certain religious views or subjects.

See for more information.

Sorry if I took over Saminda, just be doing this a while so know way too much. lol

Best wishes
Jen in NSW

Amanda in Vic said...

Thanks for your help Jen in NSW. I appreciate it! Officially beginning homeschooling next year is daunting for me. When we start our oldest will be 6, and others following - 4, 3, 1.5 and newborn! Any prayers offered would be welcome! Blessings!

Jen said...

Amanda in Victoria

There are quite a few Victorians, particularly in the Melbourne area on the Rockpool Forum. Not sure of its address. Hope google helps.

I am sure you will be able to do this. Lots of time on your knees will help immensely.

Best wishes
Jen in NSW


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