Today was a restful, peaceful, family-and-friends filled Sunday! A wonderful way to finish off the winter holidays.

Scrambled eggs for breakfast (tell me, how is it possible we keep getting 6 eggs a day from 5 chickens?? Seriously!), books and board games and outside play through the morning. Lots of warm tea and coffee (for me :)). We baked a chocolate slice. I read my Bible and the book I'm working through this week.
We had a picnic at the park for lunch- it was a perfect winter sky up there! So clear and blue, and so warm today. We just couldn't stay indoors.

Sandwiches and oranges, dried apple rings and roasted almonds, and chocolate slice to eat.

Ball games with Papa.

Lots of tickling, lots of giggling.

A happy baby with a mouth full enjoying the sunshine.

(this pic is for you Michael- remember when you bought this shirt for Saraya?! ;))
Peter Rabbit, dressed up for an outing. Do you like Elijah's choice combination here?

A hide and seek game with the walky-talkies around the park.
Nice long rests for the children this afternoon.
And friends for tea! I made a meat pie (again- I'm kind-of stuck on experimenting with these...), little potatoes, bread rolls and salad. Warm custard (thanks Petrina!) and chocolate slice for dessert. A nice play for all the little people- and then there was this sweet little poppet.

Baby Hannah. Red haired, beautiful, and adored by all. Oh how we love newborn babies around here!! Interestingly, Will put on quite a show when Stuart had a cuddle with Hannah. He didn't seem to mind when I held her, but he really didn't like Stu holding her! He just wanted his Papa. I think Stuart secretly quite enjoyed that feeling. :)
All in all, a good day. I have clothes laid out for tomorrow, and I'm about to sort out the kitchen and get books ready for tomorrow morning. Bring on Term 3!
What a lovely day you've had!!! Yes it's possible to get 6 eggs from 5 chickens as I was getting that in summer as well!!! (Weird though don't you think!!!LOL)
I love your picnic pictures - looks like a perfect day up there!
Your dinner sounds delicious! I haven't made a meat pie for a while - hmmm maybe I'm inspired!
so peaceful, as always Saminda :)
You guys paint a lovely picture of how to be together, enjoy it and be unhurried.
Do you have a disciplined routine for your day and yourself to achieve so much?
Looks like a beautiful end to the school holidays Saminda! You even made me pine for that wonderful Queensland winter sunny days.... i could do with some sunrays down here! Hope term 3 starts off well...
What a wonderful picture of the giggling threesome! A truly delightful shot Min! And a truly delightful sounding day.xx
Makes me feel quite mellow.
What a wonderful day.
Thank you for the gracious comment you left on my blog. I have just had a quick visit to yours... you have a lovely family and you obviously cherish family life. I want to wish you every blessing for your homeschool journey, it is so worth it. God will provide for all your needs along the way... just enjoy the journey and do not worry too much about the destination. He will lead you there. If there is anything I may be able to help you with, don't hesitate to ask! I hope to set up an email for the blog soon. I will share homeschool experiences from time to time but it will really be about delighting in family life more than anything. I notice you have a quote from Louisa May Alcott... she is my favourite author. Have you read Little Men? It is an inspiring book for mothers, especially those who have boys.
As always I enjoyed this post! And as I'm from the other side of the world, sometimes I have to figure out some of our language differences...for instance, what is "chocolate slice"? Cake? Cookie? Brownie? Just curious!
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