Tuesday, August 12, 2008

6 UN-Spectacular things about me......

Okay, Heather has tagged me for this meme. I read a few posts from people doing it, and it seems it's meant to be 6 not-so-great things about yourself. This could be revealing......

First, the rules......

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 5 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

Okay, here goes. 6 Un-Spectacular things about me.

* Although my hair (sometimes) looks smooth and shiny, it's only because I use a hair straightener. :( By nature it's neither straight nor curly...... just a fairly wild in-between wavy (or in humid summer weather, frizzy ;))

* I'm really really addicted to dark chocolate. I love that relaxed happy feeling I get when I eat it!! Thankfully my addiction isn't too out of hand.... I don't think about eating it all the time.....and I only usually budget in one block a week... and it's only a 100g block....... and I only really eat 1-2 pieces a day....... and yes, I'm trying to justify it.....

* I detest cleaning my oven. It's my least favourite house-worky job, and gets done very rarely. Please don't look in there Mum, you'll be quite horrified I'm sure!

* I have a habit of cutting off the end of Stuart's sentences. If he pauses even slightly, I jump in. I always think I know what he's going to say - I'm often right, but sometimes not, and he finds it frustrating. I'm trying really hard to stop!

* I write to-do lists, but often don't get through them. It's funny, because the jobs from today just keep getting pushed onto tomorrow. This means it could be a week or more before a job actually gets done. I know I have a newborn, but I'm hard on myself and find this frustrating!

* I check emails LOTS of times a day. Lots!! Too many times!! Just looking for a message from a friend or family member......... or, you guessed it, blog comments!! Stu finds this quirk funny. "Just checking emails are you Min?" he'll say. "Yep, it's been at least a minute since you did, so you'd better check again...........". Elijah will also walk in and say "Oh Mamma, are you checking emails again?"! Can anyone relate to this one?? :)

5 people to tag (play along if you want to):

1. Jen
2. Cathy
3. Theresa
4. Andrew
5. Tamra

Also, thankyou everyone for sharing what you're reading!! It was so nice to get all those comments. Let me encourage everyone to read all the comments to the Books, Books, Books post to share in the fun. :)
Have a great night, enjoy the Olympics! (Aussie, Aussie Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!)


Anonymous said...

I despise cleaning the oven too! I prefer to just shut the door and ignore the mess.

I too am addicted to checking for comments. Even Bee notices. She often says, "So. What's happening on your blog today Mom?"

Renata said...

I think I did my meme wrong - oh well - & yes I LOVE blog comments & check them regualarly! I hate cleaning the oven ( I have two & they both need a good clean & it's been on my to-do list for much too long!)
I did hear however that dark chocolate is full of anti-oxidants & it's good for you to have a couple of squares a day - so there you go - you can justify it!! (shame I like milk chocy - which is definitely NOT good for me)

AndrewWrites said...


jazzy cat said...

hehehe love to hear your unspectacular quicks/addictions ;-) Think the blog checking/email checking is contagious! I am ALWAYS on the internet when Andrew comes home, and sometimes forget to say hello when he comes in, I'm that absorbed ;-) As for chocolate - you're talking to the converted/fallen so no need for justifications. Although, cocoa pod is a fruit!!!! That's all I need to know!

jazzy cat said...

hehehe love to hear your unspectacular quicks/addictions ;-) Think the blog checking/email checking is contagious! I am ALWAYS on the internet when Andrew comes home, and sometimes forget to say hello when he comes in, I'm that absorbed ;-) As for chocolate - you're talking to the converted/fallen so no need for justifications. Although, cocoa pod is a fruit!!!! That's all I need to know!


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