* I love Maryborough. In so many ways, it's just the perfect town to live in, for us! Something seems to affirm that every day.
* I adore our markets. Honestly, those stall holders are so traditionally generous - last week I was short for strawberries, but the lady insisted I take them anyway (and Saraya insisted we find her today, to pay our dues- which we did!); one man today noticed Will was a bit cranky, and quickly plopped some grapes into a little bag "for the children to share" he said to me,
holding it out. So nice!! Today we loaded up the stroller and our arms (children's too) with locally grown bananas, strawberries, avocados, broccoli, pineapple, shelling peas, apples, pears and the biggest cabbage I've ever seen. Also from a little further afield, kiwi fruits, capsicums, and these:
I rarely buy flowers at the market but this big bunch of sweet-smelling Gladioli was irresistible.
My Nana was named Glad, and she apparently loved Gladioli. :) I told the children they are for Nana - which led to a long conversation about who she was, mostly just that she was wonderful.
* It feels like Spring today!! Still another 2 weeks of Winter officially to go, but today is quite hot with a very Spring-like wind blowing. Warm and gusty and we've pulled shorts and summery skirts out this afternoon, yay!
* Another thing I love about Maryborough is that you drive for 10 minutes in any direction out of town, and you're in the bush. It's great! And......... Stuart and I are talking through the idea of a little fun house-hunting again, just to see what's out there. Last night we found a house we're very interested in, on just over an acre about 7 minutes from the school where Stu works. It just looks like us. So, we might go have a look through on the weekend. We went for a drive out there this morning after our market shopping, just to check the location etc. SO QUIET out there!! I then got to take the children for a play at Wook-oo wildlife reserve (3 minutes from the house) afterwards so they were happy.
* I'm thinking I love the cafe in town "Between the Buns" - great name and great food. :) Very affordable, good child-friendly toasted Panini options, and really super-nice coffee. I've been taking the children there for lunch after market shopping every other Thursday and it's becoming a nice tradition. The staff there know the children now and are so lovely with them! And today the girl asked if I'd like "my usual" coffee. :) On the off-week we go to the library.
* I'm wondering when Cathy is going to go into labour!! She still technically has a couple of weeks to go - but I'm expecting a call any minute these days. :) So excited to be going along with her and Gary as her female support-person. Bring on this baby, I just can't wait to meet her........
Your town sounds a lot like mine Saminda! I live in the bush but it takes only 10 minutes of driving to reach the town. W have great markets too. It will be extra busy this weekend with the jazz festival on too. At the farmers markets in the city about a 20 minute drive, there are wonderful stallholders who often give each of my children a free banana and John the loveliest Sikh man who runs a curry van. He featured on the Compass programme a couple of weeks ago. He knows all of my children's names and we often talk about homeschooling.
Househunting sounds exciting... hope you find something special! I know God will have it all taken care of, if it is meant to be.... and if not, something even better!
Maryborough sounds idyllic on so many levels. Would love to find a town of similar peace, cultural, and shopping opportunities close to nature and open acreage in the States. Love the gorgeous gladiolas you found. You did a very nice job arranging them and the vase is beautiful too.
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