What have we been up to in our little homeschool this week?
We have explored a Times Table Grid - I'll put up more details next week; it's been a hit!
We have been reading lots and lots and lots of books together and separately. I estimate that I read to the children an hour a day, Stuart reads to them half an hour, they read to themselves about half and hour, and I read my own books about the same. Saraya's reading has absolutely taken off since she has been homeschooling- and really, all I've done is read to her and have her read to me- all the time.
We have poured over cookbooks, made meal plans, shopping lists, and shopped together.
We have spent time at the park, in the garden, at friends' homes, and of course, at our home.
We have cooked and baked more meals and bread and juiced more fruit than I care to remember.
We have cleaned and tidied and beautified our home all the while.
We have enjoyed the sudden warmer weather (though I hear it will be cold again tonight, and I'm excited- this could be the last cold snap and the last chance to use the fireplace!). The children have had the chance to play in the sandpit in their underwear this week, with the hose on- more than once.
We have sung and made music and danced and dressed-up (well, the children have).
We have learnt about Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic - and made art about it.

We have licked many spoons. Today was mixture for Chocolate Chip Cookies and Crisp Coconut Cookies. About 4 dozen of each. :) Not all for us, though!!

We have allowed the children a bit of time after dinner before bed to pour over reference books - they love them, and tonight it was "The Atlas of World Wildlife", a childhood book of Stuart's!

We have made use of our Little People toys, the Mega Blocks, the baby dolls, and the Box of Lentils with the tiny cars to drive through.

And today, Laura and Almanzo got married.

It was very exciting - the bridal outfits were arranged and adorned while I was busy inside; then there was music and singing and vows before a congregation of two. :)

Home-made rings.

The insisted-upon first kiss! Complete with lots of giggling. :0)

And the farewells as they departed for their Honeymoon....... to New Zealand.

In the Horse-drawn Wagon.
Oh, that's so cute! I love it when kids get creative like that. So much fun.
Give the newlyweds my best wishes :)
I like the sound of the times table graph - we have been putting off the whole thing, so it would be good to see what you have done. As for the dressing up part - don't try and tell me you didn't indulge!!!!!And you know don't you, that Elijah and Saraya can't really get married. I've had to explain that whole thing to Ellie and Harri quite a few times. Anyway, much love to you lot over there from us lot over here.
What a beautiful wedding! And yummy sounding biscuits. And books, we love books!
Ah, reading a balm for my soul.
And oh my GOODNESS how cute are Saraya and Elijah!! You can embarrass them in their later years with that 1st kiss photo, but right now is is simply adorable.
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